You have a large CSV file with many objects. You want to work with a subset from the file. You want the subset to be from midway in the file. You want a range such as the 150th object to the 400th object.
You do NOT want just the first or last number of objects.
Use piping and Select-Object to pull the range of objects you want.
Your file has a collection with 1,000 objects. You want objects 150 to 400.
# Variables: $StartRange = 150 $EndRange = 400 $SubsetRange = $EndRange - $StartRange $ImportFileTotal = (Import-CSV .\YourImportFile.csv).Count $ImportFileEnd = $ImportFileTotal - $StartRange # Process: Import-CSV .\YourImportFile.csv | Select-Object -Last $ImportFileEnd  | Select-Object -First $SubsetRange
How this works
The solution uses successive use of Select-Object and the -First and -Last parameters.
Import-CSV creates an object collection with all the objects from the import file.
The first Select-Object creates a subset of all objects starting with the object at the $StartRange position. All objects prior to the $StartRange object are omitted from the output object
The second Select-Object creates a subset of the first objects up to the $SubsetEndrange. The output object has the number of objects that are within the desired range from the original collection start object to the end object.