Finding your way in IT

Creating a journey that works

I’ve invested my working life in providing information technology services.  There’s been a lot of change in forty years of my career.  One constant is finding a path that works.  

Finding organizations who will pay you to make IT happen for them is the starting point.  They might be an employer.  They might be a client.  I’ve done both.  I share my experiences with that.  

Finding that right organization can be tricky.  Some general characteristics include ‘they will actually pay you after you’ve done the work’.  And ‘working with/for them won’t be hell on earth’.  Most of us have know these requirements.  Many of us will even avoid organizations that don’t meet those requirements.  But there ARE more attributes you want in the situation.  It will be a situation where you’ll be spending most of your waking hours.  I write about that.

Most important:  you need a vision of where IT is going.  This drives what you’ll read and do outside of work.  It drives what you’ll want to do in your work.  The image of what organizations need for IT determines how long your skills will be valuable.  

What I include here supports finding your way in IT.  I include very practical information.  Sometimes its as practical as code examples.  Sometimes it is my vision for where IT is heading. I update this a lot. I share softer, ‘what to do’ examples of what has worked for me in realizing the vision.

…and yes, you read it right:  forty years of IT work.  We ran computers using steam back then.  We did networking with semaphore flags.  I don’t share those technical details.  The principles and purposes haven’t changed a lot.  So, yes, I’ve experienced a lot of work ways that, well, work.  I’ve also discovered many ways of working that don’t work.  Or worked and then stopped working.  My goal with this blog is to help others skip over those dead ends.  My hope is that readers will be able to make new mistakes and new wrong turns.  Now that outcome is progress.

If the vision is a destination, then what I share is my ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘why.’ The desired state is to make the journey pleasant and profitable.

My Background

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